AN AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER in Dublin is embarking on an ambitious new project to raise money for an Irish charity which supports people affected by sudden cardiac death.
Entrepreneur George Nursey is currently searching for 100 people to pose for a portrait to include on a poster of 100 faces. It will be sold to raise funds for CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young).
He wants to feature one person in each age group from age one to age 100.
“I’m looking for characters, a good mix of people,” he told TheJournal.ie. “I’m not looking for 100 good-looking people.”
He came up with the novel idea while trying to think of fundraising activities for the charity, something he is close to because of his wife Deirdre’s job as a cardiologist at Tallaght Hospital. The Centre for Cardiovascular Risk in Younger Persons screens patients, as well as providing evaluation and treatment for those at risk. The centre operates on financial donations from CRY and individual benefactors.
Once cardiovascular disease is actually identified, treatment and prevention of complications is possible. Early identification can also reduce disease progression.
According to CRY, more than 5,000 people suffer sudden cardiac death (SCD) in Ireland. Up to 80 are young people under the age of 35. A conservative estimate is that over 10,000 people in Ireland unknowingly carry genes for inherited heart disease that causes SCD.
Awareness of SCD in Ireland has increased in recent years due to the sudden and sad deaths of high-profile athletes.
Most recently, Bolton footballer Fabrice Muamba suffered a near-fatal cardiac arrest while playing against Tottenham at the Reebok Stadium. The 24-year-old collapsed on the pitch and his heart stopped beating naturally for 78 minutes. He has since made a remarkable recovery.
Still in the early stages of the project, Nursey is looking for his 100 faces and has started a shout-out on Twitter using the hashtag #onehundred. Anyone interested in featuring on the poster should email George on gnursey@gmail.com with their name, contact details and age.