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Can We Guess How Many Points You Got In Your Leaving Cert?

That’s if you can remember.

LEAVING CERT STUDENTS finally got their results today. But can we guess how many you got back in the day?

aleaving Source: RollingNews

1. Was secondary school fun for you?
Leah Farrell Rollingnews.ie
Yes, great craic.
Best time of my life!

Not really, but I still miss it.
No WAY it was the worst.

It was grand.
2. Have you ever asked for more paper in an exam?
Leah Farrell

Can't remember, maybe?
3. Did you ever do grinds?
Laura Hutton
Yeah my mam made me
No, I was fine

Yes, they were a pain
No wasn't arsed
4. Did you go to a mixed school?
Laura Hutton
No, I went to an all girls school

No, I went to an all boys school
I went to a boarding school
5. Which subject were you best at?
Rollingnews, Sam Boal


Home Ec

6. What's the highest qualification or degree you have?


PhD or other doctorate
Didn't go to college

Haven't been to college yet

Higher diploma

Another kind of certificate
7. Did you leave any of your exams early?
Sam Boal
Hell no, you should stay and read over
Yeah, if I was finished I left

Can't remember
No I hadn't time
8. Are you a lick?
Sasko Lazarov, RollingNews.ie
I've been called a lick

I don't think so
I'm nice to people, if that makes me a lick, grand
9. What did your mam think of your results?
Leon Farrell
She didn't see them
Delighted, was on the phone bragging

She gave out to me
I can't really remember

Proud, no matter what
10. How was results night?
Photocall Ireland!
The BEST craic

Best night I ever had
A bit of a let down
Answer all the questions to see your result!
You scored out of !
We guess... 340 points
We predict you got 340 points. But we give you 600 points for the craic you had in sixth year.
Share your result:
You scored out of !
We guess... 365 points
We predict you got 365 points. But we give you 600 points for the craic you had in sixth year.
Share your result:
You scored out of !
We guess... 400 points!
We predict you got 400 points. Are we right? You can't argue with science.
Share your result:
You scored out of !
We guess... 440 points
We predict you got 440 points. Are we right? You can't argue with science.
Share your result:
You scored out of !
We guess... 480 points
We predict you got 480 points. Are we right? You can't argue with science.
Share your result:
You scored out of !
We guess... 500 points
We predict you got 500 points. You did brilliantly! You can't argue with science.
Share your result:
You scored out of !
We guess... 520 points
We predict you got 520 points. You did brilliantly! You can't argue with science.
Share your result:
You scored out of !
We guess... 570 points
We predict you got 570 points. You did brilliantly! You can't argue with science.
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