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Niall supervises from the sofa Bryanamontana via YouTube
One Direction

VIDEO: Why One Direction's Niall Horan is no use during childbirth

His real skills lie in the awkward foot-shuffling department, as this TV prank revealed.

SOMETIMES IT TAKES an emergency situation to separate the wheat from the chaff. The doers from the dawdlers. The manband from the boyband.

These are the harsh lessons learned by the members of One Direction during a TV prank, filmed for Nickelodeon. And sadly, when it comes to panic stations, our very own Niall Horan of Mullingar appears to have emerged as the group’s dead weight.

Band members Louis and Zayn ‘organised’ the prank, apparently hiring an actress to fake going into labour during an interview.

The rest of the band rush to her aid (albeit about as helpfully as you would expect a group of overstimulated teenage boys to be). But where’s Niall? Standing around with his hands in his pockets, that’s where.

The action starts at around the one-minute mark:


Want a screengrab that sums up the whole sorry affair? You got it:

Read: One Direction are being sued by… One Direction>

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