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A file photo of Harold Camping. Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP/Press Association Images

'Prophet' says he is embarrassed he was wrong about apocalypse

Harold Camping predicted that the world would end on 21 October. Obviously, it didn’t – and he’s now a little bit embarrased.

HAROLD CAMPING RAISED many eyebrows when he announced that the world would end on October 21 this year – particularly since he had already wrongly predicted the process was to begin on 21 May 2011.

In a message posted on his Family Radio Worldwide website, the fringe Biblical scholar said that it “seems embarrassing for Family Radio” that Christ did not return on the day he predicted.

In May, Camping had warned that huge earthquakes would strike as the saved were lifted up to heaven, while everyone else would get another five months of life before being consigned to eternal damnation on October 21.

In the new recording, he said:

[God] allowed everything to happen the way it did without correction. He could have stopped everything if He had wanted to.

Camping said that he has been “checking my notes more carefully than ever” and that he has found another language in the Bible that will also be looked at carefully.

He urges patience when it comes to the matter, and said:

Whatever we do, we must not feel for a moment that we have been abandoned by God – that He is no longer helping us or interested in us.

Camping suffered a stroke in June.

According to the Christian Post, he has had to step down from his role at leading Family Radio Stations, Inc, and that he has also retired from his ministry.

In the lead-up to May 21, followers of Camping’s even went so far as to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on advertising the coming apocalypse.

Read: The end is nigh, again: Camping revises Rapture date>

Read: Hooray! If you’re reading this, the world hasn’t ended>

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