Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Rats

All time
Dubliners: 'Never mind the seagulls, come sort out our rat problem'
Just some mice, on turntables, running as fast as their little legs will carry them
6 unexpected things that happened this week
Poster encourages community to 'clobber' burglars with hurls and golf clubs
Rats chew through woman's house from the inside out
People are rightly freaking out about the giant rat found in Dublin
Pub offering beers in exchange for dead rats in attempt to rid city of pests
Dead rat stench and mice on desks: Woman gets €20k over rodents at work
Rats could evolve to become 'bigger than sheep', scientists predict
Rat-sized snails are taking over South Florida
In lab 'bio-kidney' successfully transplanted into rat
Plane damaged on Dublin Airport runway was carrying... rats and mice
Enda Kenny: Taoiseach, teacher... rat-killer
Rats recruited to hunt for TB in Mozambique
New research into what causes nausea may help improve cancer treatments
Rats, mould and dampness: Priory Hall 10 months on
WATCH: An owl eat a rat during Colombia v. Venezuela
Sitdown Sunday: 7 deadly reads
Michael Freeman
Rats on a plane: Qantas grounds flight after baby rodents found
Downing Street opens war on rats with rodent-catching cat appointment
Exterminators warn of rodent increase as winter approaches