TODAY, THE NEWS came through that UK passports are going to return to being blue after Brexit is implemented.
Prime Minister Theresa May said the UK passport is an expression of the nation’s “independence and sovereignty” and that the blue version is “iconic”.
1. Surely this snazzy new passport will have loads of great features?
2. There will be more announcements coming down the line
3. The bluster from some on the blue side of the passport debate was ripe for parody
4. This is what a blue passport future could look like
5. Still, it’ll be a nice colour to look at as you wait
6. A really nice blue
7. Imagine this happened
8. Damn you, burgundy!
9. It’s on days like today we have to take stock
10. This is absolutely going to happen
11. Breaking news suggests there’s more changes afoot than the colour
12. Maybe they should have just looked into one of these covers and saved themselves a rake of cash?
13. The old passport wasn’t even blue
14. It’s a massive Brexit success story
15. Theresa May calling the old passport iconic was probably a stretch
16. If they’re still accepting submissions, there are other last minute options
17. They won’t be happy until it goes full Union Jack
18. A stunning success story
What a day.