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the rossies

16 of the most Roscommon things that have ever happened

H’on the Rossies.

1. When somebody had a bit of craic with Luke Ming Flanagan’s election poster in Ballaghaderreen

lukeming Twitter / @cawley_m Twitter / @cawley_m / @cawley_m

2. When these services were available during the Roscommon races

handinthebog Donal Murphy Twitter Donal Murphy Twitter

3. The time Chris O’Dowd was given the freedom of the county

dowd1 RTÉ Player RTÉ Player

And quipped: “what we lack in clean water we make up for in dirty jokes.”

4. The time this headline warned of a very Roscommon crime spree

5. When this urgent sign was erected

banjo Facebook Fergal Scahill Facebook Fergal Scahill

We’ll never know the fate of the Roscommon banjo.

6. When a supporter lost a “good jumper” after a county match

goodjumper Twitter Twitter

7. And they went to great lengths to return it to its rightful owner

It was a good jumper, in fairness.

8. When Kilronan Castle hotel found a lost teddy bear and treated it like royalty


9. That time Boyle went back to the 90s for Paddy’s Day in Moone Boy

boyle Seán O’Dowd at Seán O’Dowd at


10. When Tesco Roscommon had interesting advice for its customers

11. When this sheep racing course was built at the lamb festival

12. The famous Adopt-A-Road campaign in the county that saw these signs up all over the place

adoptaroad Facebook Facebook

A road is for life, not just for Christmas.

13. When a 20 minute traffic jam was caused by these culprits

14. The time these speed signs were only a little bit confusing

signlang Facebook Facebook

15. When this excellent landscaping company was spotted in the town

blpvj Imgur Imgur

16. And finally… when this was the grand prize last year in the Castlerea mart

thisprize Facebook Facebook


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