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AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth
Royal Starter Homes

Royal newlyweds grapple with must and asbestos in their new home

Duchess of Cambridge is thwarted in her plans to move into Princess Margaret’s old apartment.

IN THE CURRENT climate, many newlyweds have to make do with a starter home that doesn’t tick every one of their boxes.

And the royal newlyweds, William and Kate, are no exception.

The Daily Telegraph reports that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge had chosen Apartment 1a in Kensington Palace as their London base.

But disappointment awaited Kate, who had “fallen in love with the spacious and airy set of rooms when she had discreetly looked around them some months ago”, the newspaper adds.

Unfortunately, the charity set up to oversee the future of the palace had other ideas – it had earmarked the bright and airy apartment that once belonged to Princess Margaret for public events, such as “Enchanted Palace.. a magical experience weaving new light works..against the backdrop of the magnificent State Apartments”.

Instead, a set of more modest, ‘musty’, unfinished rooms – which have issues with asbestos – have been made available to the couple.

Kensington Palace is currently undergoing a £12 million refurbishment, which is likely to see William and Kate move to more palatial surroundings in the future.

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