Dublin: 5 °C Wednesday 12 February, 2025

This selfie-stick arm is a sure sign that the end of the world is nigh

End this. End it all.

JUST WHEN YOU thought the selfie stick could not possibly get any worse, along comes the selfie-stick arm to shatter all hopes, dreams, and illusions that we are progressing as a society.

Just look at it.

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It is designed to make it look like you’re holding someone’s hand, see?

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The device just a prototype at the moment but is ‘in development’, and it’s pretty convincing to be fair.

The description is a joy to behold.

Nobody wants to look alone while they mindlessly snap pictures of themselves, the product conveniently provides you a welcoming arm. and better yet, it doesn’t talk or have emotions of any sort. you can even create fake accounts and use its finger to like all your images; its not you its the hand!

Oh no, it’s definitely you.

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Designed by fibreglass artists Justin Crowe and Aric Snee, they say that the ‘collaborative project is a direct commentary on the growing selfie stick phenomenon, and the constant, gnawing need for narcissistic internet validation’.

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