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Skinny jeans are officially over

An investigation into the unfathomable rise of the bootcut jean.

bootcuttop Source: Tumblr

THE BOOTCUT JEAN has, for some time now, been the laughing stock of the fashion world.

The hate is strong.

But, could the skinny jean be on the way out, to be replaced by its wider-legged brethren? A quick perusal of online shops show bootcut jeans are ramping up in popularity again. Like here, the Asos selection of bootcut:

bootvut Source: asos

Topman have a bootcut section too:

bootcut1 Source: Topman

And the Debenhams website is overflowing with them. Just look:

bootcut3 Source: Debenhams

This rise in popularity has led to one important question this summer

skinnyjeans Source: livemag

This came about because of this story from Australia, where a woman was hospitalised because of the tightness of her skinny jeans:


It reached a peak when The Guardian declared earlier this summer that the bootcut jean will inevitably return

bootcutjeans Source: Guardian

The writer makes his case:

The imminent resurgence of the bootcut jean is already in motion. Anyone who knows anything about fashion can tell you that trends are cyclical. New ones come around every few years but they always take inspiration from the past.

And it’s a hard one to argue against. Going by the selection in shops already, it looks like we are already well on our way to a mid ’00s level of bootcut jean prevalence.

People have now recognised this, and are worried

And some think it should influence the Presidential race

With others just imagining the possibilities

So, will bootcut jeans ever be fashionable again?

Poll Results:

I still wear bootcut jeans (782)
Yes, everything is cyclical, they will gloriously retur (772)
Of course not, they are monstrous (578)

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About the author:

David Elkin

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