Dublin: 14 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# slagging

All time
Lukaku 'improved' but mocked by Belgian team-mate over first touch
Ryan Reynolds and Josh Brolin trading insults is as entertaining as you'd expect
"He said 'morning' with the biggest grin I've ever seen in my life"
Twitter ripped the piss out of Conor McGregor for posing with this beer
'They posted a pic of someone running over ROG in our WhatsApp group'
Hundreds of people are posting selfies online and asking commenters to 'roast' them
Barcelona fans chant 'Ronaldo doesn't drink water'
Chancer, scoundrel, handbagging and other words you're not allowed say in the Dáil
Paddy Power has a go at social media commenters via the Final Boss Media lads
View from Down Under: Rob Kearney's 'clueless' comments backfire