Dublin: 7 °C Wednesday 23 October, 2024

The post-election poster debacle has already begun

Fowl play on Bray Harbour.

THE BEST THING about the elections being over is that all those head-wrecking posters will FINALLY come down off the poles.

But every year, there’s always the few that fly away.

The swan election in Bray is long over, and the masterminds at the Harbour Bar aren’t happy that their posters are still knocking about on the premises.

10313040_442841235852361_5238002683580039500_n The Harbour Bar The Harbour Bar


However, one commenter was quick to stick up for the winged candidates.

Nonsense. Candidates have 7 days to remove posters and they are a vital part of the process.

So now. Calm down, don’t be getting your feathers ruffled.

10325406_441214989348319_4541214182876334394_n The Harbour Bar The Harbour Bar

As for the results themselves, Frances Bird topped the swan poll with 36% of votes, with Paddy Swan coming in second at 22%.

Shane Quackerson followed closely at 20%, with Mary White at 17%. Recent scandal involving Feather O’Kelly [he fathered a love cygnet in a nearby harbour] decimated his election hopes. He came in at 3%, just ahead of Dermot Bill.


A sound result all round.

The swans in Bray are also heading to the polls today>

Bray has some very unusual local election candidates>