Vilnius: 10 °C Tuesday 22 October, 2024

7 things that are totally worth the effort

Ah, go on. It’ll be worth it.

SOMETIMES IT’S WORTH going the extra mile.

Or, actually, sometimes you only really have to go an extra inch to see big, worthwhile results.

All too often we assume something is going to be too much effort but, in fact, the pay-off is completely worth it.

1. Cooking from scratch

You might not always have time, or the energy, to make something from scratch – but there’s no denying that it’s almost always better. Every time you forget the shop-bought jar stuff and takeaways, you remember that it’s worth it.

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2. Making the tea for everyone

You send out the signal in the office. You’re making the tea. It’s a bit of effort to knock together 10 cups, but the gratitude from colleagues is TOTALLY worth it. You’re in the good books. Priceless.


3. Shopping around

Sometimes, you just want to grab the groceries on your way home. But popping into the other shop next door can mean lower bills, for what is really very little extra time. You know it makes sense!

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4. Getting back in touch

Sometimes even a short, two-line Facebook message to see how an old friend is doing can seem like a daunting task. It really isn’t – it’s just a mental hurdle. The happiness you’ll feel when they reply will make it all worth it.

Discordia Discordia

5. Making the bed

Makes any room look instantly better. Don’t think you have time in the morning? Ah, go on out of that. It takes two minutes.

The Meta Picture The Meta Picture

6. Getting fit

With all the new couch to 5k apps out there at the moment, there really is very little excuse these days for not taking the time to get a bit fitter. Even a small amount of exercise pays dividends – and the only hard part is getting started.

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7. Changing bank account

It’s something that everyone has thought about – and the first stumbling block is the idea that it’s a difficult process. The reality? It’s not.

Rob Woerdman / KBC Rob Woerdman / KBC / KBC

KBC makes changing easy. And everyone can get a Current Account for just €2* a month – the price of a cup of coffee. (Other fees and charges apply.)

The 1st of February is Change Your Bank Day. If you’d would like to talk through your options, we’re open all day. Pop in to any KBC Hub in Dublin, Cork, Limerick and Galway for a coffee and a chat. Look out for the Pop Up and Mobile banks travelling around the country too. 

*€2 a month is based on a quarterly current account fee of €6. See more at