Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Text Messages

All time
Poll: Do you still send SMS text messages?
Sunak defies calls to sack Gavin Williamson despite ‘not acceptable’ messages
Sinn Féin calls for all documents related to Zappone appointment to be published
Poll: Do you delete your text messages?
Coveney asks to appear before Oireachtas Committee to clarify text controversy
Gardaí warn public over text message scam seeking to gain personal bank details
UK police forces to ask rape victims to hand in mobile phones for investigation
Former TD comes centre stage in attempt by Denis O'Brien to name Declan Ganley in court action
'Hello, I'm in the Dáil': TDs to be banned from making calls in the chamber
Woman accused of urging boyfriend to kill himself via texts goes on trial
Hospital patient 'no shows' are costing the State nearly €12m
Text messages are on the way out - but we're eating up huge amounts of data
10 struggles you'll only understand if you're in a group chat
Kerry man convicted of intimidating sex worker to be held in prison over Christmas
This Tumblr is collecting the last messages people got from loved ones
"I want someone to care for me and love me" - court hears Elaine O'Hara text messages
"It was very nearly the perfect murder," jury is told in Graham Dwyer case
Company behind bulk marketing texts says Irish trade is 'challenging'
The 16 greatest ways to respond to a wrong-number text
The Burning Question*: Is txtspk eva OK?
'Mom, I love you': The heartwrenching text messages sent from South Korea's sinking ferry
The text messages between Oscar Pistorius and Reeva Steenkamp
7 mortal dangers of sending a text message
Gardaí launch 'text alert' service to tackle rural crime
John Gilligan, corporation tax and Trap’s last day: The week in numbers
15 tragically lost battles with autocorrect
Childline received 1,212 calls, texts, and messages on Christmas Day
Useful Tech Advice of the Day from O2: Turn it off and turn it back on again
Watch your language - Pakistan blacklists 'rude' words in texts
The Daily Fix: Monday
Ur say: Would a tax on texts make you :) r :( ?
Noonan rulez out tax on txts :)
Poll: Should ministers’ mobiles be publicly available?
Ministers change mobiles after numbers posted online