DO YOU EVER wish that your underwear would just ‘get on board’ with social media and stop being such a fossil?
Well, wish no more. The Tweeting Bra has become a reality. A Greek advertising agency came up with the concept in an effort to raise awareness of breast cancer.
The bra is fitted with a connection to your smartphone via bluetooth and triggers a tweet every time it is unclasped.
Every time the bra is taken off, it tweets a reminder to your followers to have their monthly breast exam.
Greek actress Maria Bakodimou is the first on board with the campaign, and will be wearing the social bra for 15 days so people can see when she takes it off. Her bra’s Twitter account almost at 1,000 followers. We’re sure that’ll attract the right kind of people.
Here’s how they made it, if you’re interested:
h/t to AdRants