TINDER CAN BE a grim place – a wasteland of singletons all with a variety of motives for being on the app in the first place.
It’s fair to say that lads get a hard time on the app, most of the time for good reason. But criticism often comes in thick and fast when it comes to how they, eh, present themselves on the app.
Listen – we’re the hardest on ye because we believe in ye the most.
That being said, we can be divils ourselves for posting a selection of clichéd shots and expecting no one to say a word.
1. Full length tea-pot pose
In a mirror if your friends weren’t sound enough to just take one for them.
Let the timer be your new best friend gals.
2. Snapchat filter
3. Group photo at someone’s 21st because that was probably the last time you and all your friends were together
4. At some kind of festival with flower crown/glitter
Or potentially both? The sky’s the limit.
5. One with your friend awkwardly cropped out of shot
Vicious crop there.
6. On the swings in Sophie’s
7. Or in front of the sign in Krystle
You do you gals.
8. ‘Candid’ shot of them from holidays in a bikini on the beach/by the pool
“Just admiring the view.”
Bonus points if you’re on a unicorn float.
9. ‘Candid’ shot of them across the table holding a drink
VERY non-nonchalantly cradling that gin and tonic there, aren’t you?
10. Over-the-shoulder shot from the Debs
In the drive of your gaff, obvs.
Alternatively, throw up a pic of you at the Debs with your date cropped out. #OnToTheNextOne
11. The Selfie
The one, the only, the ultimate. You’ve only ever looked the way you do in that photo once, but thankfully it’s been immortalised forever on the ‘gram.
At one point, it’s been your Facebook profiler, your display picture on Twitter – hell, you even threw it up on Google Plus for the craic.
But it will always be your first Tinder photo. Always.