IN CASE YOU missed it, a new trailer for Avengers: Infinity War dropped last week and it already has 43 million views on Youtube.
It looks set to be one of the biggest films of 2018 so it’s great to see our very own Tom Vaughan-Lawlor in it starring as a member of the Black Order.
The Black Order is the army who all the Avengers will go up against in the new movie and Vaughan-Lawlor will play the role of Ebony Maw.
Ebony Maw has an important role in the movie according to the comics and the trailer. In the comics he is sent to retrieve special information from Dr. Stephen Strange.
Dr Strange who is played by Benedict Cumberbatch is one of the few people who knows where all the Infinity stones are located. Strange should be in possession of the Time Stone which he needs for his superpower.
Anyone who has watched any of the Marvel movies in recent years will have heard of the ‘Infinity Stones’. These are six stones which are scattered throughout the universe and whoever has them all becomes all powerful and all knowing.
Interestingly in the comics, Ebony Maw actually manages to make Strange act as a double agent for his boss Thanos who is the main villain in the movie. It’s unclear whether Ebony telling Strange to be quiet is because he’s torturing him or not to tell the Avengers that Strange is now working against them.
We could be entirely wrong and it’s hard to see from the 2 seconds Vaughan-Lawlor gets in the trailer where his storyline is going but the comics should give us some clue about it.
Here’s hoping this is his big break internationally and he’s no longer known as ‘man in CGI suit’ who tackles Benedict Cumberbatch.