Dublin: 7 °C Wednesday 23 October, 2024

Spillage of fruit preserves causes literal traffic jam

Sticky wheels ahoy.

A STICKY SITUATION occurred when a delivery van containing fruit jam and juices ran into difficulty in Sweden causing it to spill its cargo all over the the road.

645@70 Sunne Emergency Services Sunne Emergency Services

The incident happened on the E45 outside Sunne on Tuesday, and caused the road to become unusable and led to traffic problems.

The door of the van is said to have opened, spilling a pallet of preserves, jellies and juices onto the road.

“There was a lot of jam and juices which went down the drain,” Tommy Lindh, spokesperson for the Värmland police told

645@70 Sunne Emergency Services Sunne Emergency Services

The road had to be sealed off in order to flush the entire road of the sticky substances and shattered glass. Emergency services were called in to divert the building traffic to alternative routes.

Sunne firefighter Fredrik Persson told The Local, “It’s a mixed compote, common pancake jam. We have a stretch of 70 to 100 metres that is just full of jam.”

Nobody was hurt in the incident and traffic reopened shortly after the clean up. Pure jammy.

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