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VIDEO: Duo take Nike's money, spend it on round-the-world trip

Max Joseph and Casey Neistat were given cash by Nike to make a film. They spent it travelling until the money ran out.

Doing a backflip in front of the pyramids. As you do.
Doing a backflip in front of the pyramids. As you do.
Image: YouTube screengrab

WE’VE ALL had our moments where we’ve wanted simply to drop what we’re doing, cut loose for a while, and go on a last-minute trip abroad.

If this video doesn’t rekindle that desire in you, then there might be something wrong.

The following video is by filmmakers Max Joseph and Casey Neistat. Both, as their portfolios show, have previously worked for Nike – most recently making a movie about the launch of the Nike Fuel band.

The sportswear manufacturer’s latest advertising campaign is the #makeitcount hashtag, and as part of the efforts to make it take off, they gave Neistat some money to make a movie about what it means to ‘make it count’.

They decided the best way was to squander it by travelling around the world until there simply was no more money to spend.

With the results – and the rate at which it’s accruing views (170,000 in a day, according to the often slow YouTube hit counter) – Nike probably won’t be too bothered.

(YouTube credit: )

About the author:

Gavan Reilly

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