Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Work Can Wait

All time
The Burning Question*: Can a breakfast roll be eaten after breakfast time?
The Burning Question*: Do you use an umbrella or a hood in the rain?
The Burning Question*: Do you scrape burnt toast into the sink or the bin?
The burning question: Butter or margarine on your toast?
The Burning Question*: Air con or window down in the car?
The burning question: Eat your Easter eggs now or hoard them?
Need a little bit of afternoon distraction? Look no further...
VIDEO: Dog lobs the gob on baby
Can you name all of these Father Ted characters?
We bet you can't make it through this post without smiling
Probably the most random thing you'll see today
VIDEO: 16 cats being total arses
Breaking Bad... as a family drama series in 1995
Why do Germans find it so hard to say "squirrel"?
Stop what you’re doing and look at this rabbit in a wheelchair
Girl burns off hair in YouTube tutorial, uploads video anyway
VIDEO: Check out this cheerleader make a front-flip, half-court shot last night
Lily Allen's boobs, awkward exes: The 6 best things at the Brit Awards
VIDEO: Sheep turns the tables on an unsuspecting fox
Forget Planking, Horsemaning and Owling…. Hedge Facing is the new thing
12 of the best Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles costumes ever
Take a break and watch these cats versus plastic bags
Are you avoiding Valentine's Day? Let us help
Take a break and meet Caffrey, the cat with two legs (VIDEO)
Frocking hell! It's the BAFTAs and the Grammys, rolled into one
VIDEO: Take a look at Pat Shortt's new Irish film...
Indoor trees and a slide: the perfect office?
Meet Hope, the baby Clydesdale from the Super Bowl ads
WATCH: Paul Rudd lobbed the gob on Helen Mirren
The burning question*: Do you let dishes air dry... or use tea towel?
Wowsers! Look at this snow falling off the roof
VIDEO: Come on boy, you can do it
Gallery: These toilets are out of order... really out of order
Take a break and watch this video of Cat versus Baby Sock
The burning question*: Is it okay to keep a tissue up your sleeve?
11 of the best tip jars ever
Good morning, here is a lion cub holding a bottle
VIDEOS: Meet the most patient dog in the world
WATCH: Newsreaders dropping F-bombs left, right and centre
Amazing new blockbuster hitting cinemas: Mission Impossi-baby