Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# who ya gonna call?

All time
Over 1,000 inspections carried out by Welfare to detect 'bogus self employment'
NFL player blames a ghost for his PED suspension
'Ghosts' drive Brazil's president from residence
An Irish product that predicts when a cow will give birth is about to make it big time (oh, and it's called Moocall)
Anonymous tip-off led to man's arrest for online sex offences
Basketball coach phones Jesus to ask about odds of winning a game, Jesus hangs up on him
The cast of the all-female Ghostbusters reboot has been revealed...
All-female cast of "hilarious women" for new Ghostbusters film
Kiessling apologises for controversial ghost goal
Search for Enda's grandad's ghost at Co Clare Lighthouse?