Dublin: 10 °C Friday 7 March, 2025

This woman hasn't a clue how to ride an escalator

Not a notion!

LOOK, ESCALATORS CAN be tricky and pose all sorts of threats and dangers. We’ll grant you that much.

There’s many hilarious escalator gaffes on the internet, but we think you’ll agree that this woman may just take the biscuit.

In this video, dated from 2012 and currently blowing up over on LiveLeak, a woman attempts to ride an escalator in a way we’ve not quite seen before. We can’t even begin to do it justice, so we’ll just leave you to watch it for yourself:

Source: daniel belor/YouTube

So many questions! What is going on?! Is she alright?

Is it as deeply uncomfortable as it looks?

Doesn’t it look like her friend is going to join her in an escalator conga line of sorts?

And, most importantly, is it okay to laugh?!

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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