HAVING FUN IS hard work. If you’re a gal who goes to daclurb, you’ve probably been mildly enraged by at least one of these things.
(Don’t worry guys, you’ll get your chance to vent soon.)
1. The goo that somehow gets all over your shoes
A mixture of spilled drinks, general shoe dirt, and broken dreams that’s out to turn your lovely shoes a gungy black. Every time.
2. Taller people spilling drinks on your hair
And hair sticky with drink is just *shudders*
3. Lads trying to cut you off from your mates
Who told you this was a good chat up move? It isn’t a good chat up move!
4. Piles of girls taking up cubicles for 15 minutes at a time
Pee and move on. PEE AND MOVE ON.
5. Looking in the mirror in the ladies’ and realising all your makeup has slid off your face
All that painstaking work, and the clammy nightclub air pulls the mascara right from your eyelashes.
6. Chancing not bringing flats, then dying standing up in your heels
We know that successfully wearing a pair of heels through predrinks (with frequent spells of sitting down) does not mean you’ll last the night in them. But we choose to ignore it, time and again.
7. Stairs
How we wish for a bungalow-like club. “Hang on now, give me five minutes to tip toe down the stairs to the dancefloor, lest I trip in my heels and fall on my snout.”
8. Gettings bits of damp toilet paper crusted into your shoes
A gal’s shoestake a hell of a beating on a night out. No idea why we haven’t yet graduated to wearing a good sturdy pair of Caterpillars to the club.
9. Your pals deciding that actually, they don’t want any post-club food
RUDE. What about the nuggets?
10. And the STINK of your clothes and hair the next day
All the Febreeze in the world couldn’t set this right.