1. Conking the car at a traffic light. HELP I’M SO SORRY
2. Pulling up at the wrong side of the petrol pump and having to yank it over
3. Sitting in the car while someone washes it. Just chilling. hoping to never make eye contact with them
4. Forgetting where you parked and wandering around hammering away on your key fob
5. Idly looking out the window when you’re stopped at the lights, only to lock eyes with the driver next to you
6. Beeping angrily at someone, then ending up in the same car park as them. Erm, hi
7. Having a good moan about the next car, then discovering that both of your windows are open and they HEARD YOU
8. Jamming along to the radio, then realising there’s somebody watching you
10. Having to abandon a parallel parking attempt
11. Giving someone a lift and wondering if they’re judging how messy your car is
12. When you park too close to the car beside you and have to squeeeeeeeeeze out (and get car dirt all over you)
13. Having to climb over the gearstick, for whatever ridiculous reason
14. Getting stopped at a Garda checkpoint. BUT OFFICER I’M INNOCENT
15. When you speed up to overtake someone but you both get stopped at the same red light and they just look at you like “How’s that going for you?”
16. And accidentally setting off your car alarm. Damn it