Dublin: 4 °C Saturday 8 February, 2025

13 couples that should be banned from the internet immediately

The cringe index is on red alert.

LISTEN, WE’RE HAPPY you found each other and all but… no, just stop.

1. This pair that abused photoshop and our eyes

4263095677 Source: Awkwardfamilyphotos

2. This duo that need to learn how to text

STFUcouples4 Source: Crushable

3. You’re both pregnant?

We-are-prego-530x397 Source: Babyping

4. Puppy and Christy Kitten Puppy Cat

tumblr_m30nopFoUy1qlrxk7o1_r1_500 Source: idiotsonfb

5. The lovey couple that coordinated their Facebook profiles

jessicafacebookcouples4.png Source: Student Beans

6. The two that thought this engagement photo was worth sharing online

tumblr_mvg9woeMmC1sow2azo1_500 Source: Bad Engagement Photos


aye-shes-mine-aye-hes-mine1 Source: Imgace

8. The couple that Instagram their work-out together

CfqU05h Source: Imgur

9. The respectful sweethearts that got these interesting tattoos


10. The newlyweds that have a problem with you

0510-wedding-gift-grab-on-Facebook_we Source: Glamour

11. This couple and their lovely bunnies

ss-111101-Awkward-Pets2-The-Cottontails.ss_full Source: Awakward Family Photos

12. This lot who ignore the PM function


13. Or these guys, who should probably seek help of some sort

d97117eccouples-19 Source: Lamebook

There is a wedding proposal in the Daily Mail’s ‘Sidebar of Shame’ today>

12 of the most irritating things engaged people say>

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