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Bejaysus is a sacred Irish word and we’re glad the world knows about it

It’s a way to sound pissed off that’s both poetic and quintessentially Irish.

Obama US Ireland Source: Associated Press

LAST NIGHT, CARETAKER Taoiseach Enda Kenny got a few laughs in the US during his St Patrick’s day visit when he uttered the following line:

e nda Source: TheJournal.ie

Straight away, some Irish people were lamenting the use of the word ‘Bejaysus’ on the international stage

To some, it comes across as a bit diddly-eye and fake Irish – but there’s a time and a place for “bejaysus” just like any other slang word


What about when we want to say someone has scared the shite out of us?

What then, bejaysus haters?

Say somebody is annoying you – in comes bejaysus as the best way to describe just how bad it is

It’s a throwback to an older generation – who include bejaysus in plenty of real sentences that aren’t of the plastic Irish sort

No matter how much the haters try and silence us, there are still people out there that use it on the daily

bejaysus2 Source: Twitter

It’s a way to sound pissed off that’s both poetic and quintessentially Irish

tumblr_n81bw3RuiG1qcga5ro1_500 Source: Tumblr

So we’re glad the world knows about it now – and that they’re aware that real Irish people say it

Keep the bejaysus dream alive.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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