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16 of the greatest Irish TV howlers of 2016

So many memories.

2016 MAY NOT have been the best year, but it sure did gift us a lot of television howlers.

Let’s take a look back…

1. When Robbie Keane’s baby tried to yoink the microphone as his Daddy was being interviewed on live television


mic1 Eir Sport / Twitter Eir Sport / Twitter / Twitter

mic2 Eir Sport / Twitter Eir Sport / Twitter / Twitter

2. When this RTÉ report from the Galway Races was interrupted by a man sporting a horse mask

3. When RTÉ Player accidentally broadcast snippets of Cool Runnings during a Euro 2016 match

This isn’t the time!

Ck7hQjSUkAAyLWh RTÉ Player RTÉ Player

4. When poor Martina Fitzgerald was interrupted on the Six One News by this lady

Her face says it all.

Tweet by @Marty O'Prey Marty O'Prey / Twitter Marty O'Prey / Twitter / Twitter

5. When this little kid was so done with Ireland AM’s fashion segment that he just marched out of the studio

Not even Celia Holman Lee could keep him around.

6. When Evelyn Cusack’s teleprompter failed her and she was forced to wax lyrical about “eh, weather systems”

7. Speaking of Evelyn, remember when she was caught rapid making the best “Oops” face ever?

Tweet by @Kazzikat Kazzikat / Twitter Kazzikat / Twitter / Twitter

8. When Dáithí Ó Sé dared to utter the word ‘bra’ at the Rose of Tralee

And Mammies across Ireland gasped. 

9. When Tipperary’s Bubbles O’Dwyer lost the run of himself after winning the All Ireland…

Mind your language, Bubbles

(If you can’t see the video, please click here.)

10. When Steve-O absolutely horsed into rocket leaves on The Seven O’Clock Show and Lucy Kennedy didn’t even notice

11. When Tubs accidentally called Katie Taylor “Katie Hopkins”


12. When Marty Morrissey showed up to The Late Late Show in full 1916 regalia and nobody could cope

Tweet by @Niamh McMorrow Niamh McMorrow / Twitter Niamh McMorrow / Twitter / Twitter

13. The Late Late’s shiftcam, though


14. Speaking of shifting… when this gal brought a sign saying, “I’m only here to shift Marty” to Winning Streak…

Ever the gentleman, Marty declined her offer and said, “No! I’m promised to another! But thank you for caring.”

Tweet by @David Browne David Browne / Twitter David Browne / Twitter / Twitter

amarty1 RTE RTE

15. This man horsing into a 99 as Emma O’Kelly delivers a report on the Six One

Not a bother on him.

Tweet by @mark coyne mark coyne / Twitter mark coyne / Twitter / Twitter

Can’t see the video? Please click here.

16. And finally… when a lad named Dean accidentally swore on live television and announced that he was feeling ‘exotic’

Forget Donald Trump. This guy is the real Person of the Year.

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