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Zayn Malik called Calvin Harris a d***head in an epic Twitter feud last night

And it was very NSFW.

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OH, TWITTER FEUDS. Where would we be without you?

Last night, Calvin Harris and our man Zayn got in to a massive slagging match, and the world watched on with glee.

It all started off when Zayn retweeted this comparison between Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus:

bitchproblems Mirror Mirror

The tweet has since been deleted from the original @FemaleTexts account, but Calvin was none too impressed with the slight on Tay’s Spotify stance. And let it be known with some NSFW shade throwing: Favim Favim

But Zayn didn’t just take it lying down

Throwing a few rippings back Calvin’s way

And seemed to make reference to Calvin’s age to boot

zayn-malik-birthday-2014-lip-suck Perezhilton Perezhilton

But then, just as it seemed like it was going to blow up into a seriously personal battle, Calvin tried to calm things

And finished up on this rather patronising note


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