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the shift

You can now go on a Copper Face Jacks ski trip

See yiz on the slopes. Facebook Facebook

NOT CONTENT WITH getting the shift on Harcourt Street or dancing cheek to cheek with a Garda or a nurse?

Well now you can get on down with the lads and lassies at the après-ski as the inaugural Copper Face Jacks Ski Trip prepares for take off.

The mission: “To have the best craic possible”

The highlight: “The much anticipated Inter County Ski Race”.

An inter county ski race! It’s like the All-Ireland never happened!


The group will head to Andorra for a week in March 2015, where they’ll receive a Coppers wristband, a Coppers county jersey (limited edition. We NEED one) – all they need for seven days of “skiing, partying, skiing and more partying”.

Imagine the Lost and Found at the end of the week? We need a lie down.

Copper Face Jacks Nightclubs Mark Stedman / Photocall Ireland Mark Stedman / Photocall Ireland / Photocall Ireland

12 reasons why Coppers is such a bizarre national phenomenon>

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