1. Obama said he had big ears, just like his cousin Henry Healy
Obama, and his ears (RTÉ)
Henry Healy, and HIS ears (Photocall Ireland)
2. Obama mentioned ‘The Craic’, and how much Irish people love ‘The Craic’
3. Sasha said she was going to stick it to her friends
According to Certificate of Irish Heritage Sasha Obama said she was “now able to prove that I am even more Irish than some of my friends” after being presented with a cert at TCD this morning.
via Certificate of Irish Heritage/Facebook
4. Obama inspired a Mexican wave before he’d even arrived at the Waterfront in Belfast
via @TheObamaDiary
Gerry Adams got in on it too:
via @GerryAdamsSF
5. Obama gave us all Leaving Cert palpitations…
… by quoting Heaney and Yeats.
6. The president made a balls of his colouring-in
via @TheObamaDiary
7. This guy yawning
It’s tough work waiting for a president, y’know?
8. Someone at CBS got a little confused about where the G8 is on
So, it’s in Sligo then…