Dublin: 4 °C Friday 14 February, 2025

The 9 stages of driving in the rain in Ireland

Wet roads + more cars = HELL ON EARTH!

RAIN ACROSS THE country today brought the roads to a standstill.

Journey times were doubled and rage levels were undoubtedly at critical point for hassled drivers across the land.

Like, why can’t everyone just MOVE?

Here are the 9 stages of driving in the rain…

1. Realisation

“Shite, it’s raining.”

2. Delusion

“I’ll just leave a few minutes early. Be grand.”

Source: Rackcdn

3. Early onset rage

“Just let me out of my own effing driveway!”

Source: Gifmansion

4. Irrational ‘I’m More Important’ Syndrome

5. “Did I just splash that person?” guilt

Source: Tumblr

6. Mid-level merging rage

7. Disdainful looks at other drivers

Source: Imgur

8. High level traffic light rage

9. Inevitable tears and resignation

Source: Nocookie

Be careful out there, and remember, you’re not in traffic, YOU ARE TRAFFIC


11 kinds of rage only commuters will understand>

9 of the defining characteristics of a soft day>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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