WHO’D HAVE THOUGHT, a decade ago, that Dunnes would sit alongside Brown Thomas and Avoca as one of the most #notions shops in Ireland?
We couldn’t have predicted it, but it’s happened.
1. Once upon a time, Dunnes was just the place you got your school shirts
You got your St Bernard off-brand food and you were happy with it.
2. But over the past few years, it’s gotten considerably more swanky
We’re blaming the Paul Costelloe collection. That started it.
3. The clothes slowly started getting more fashionable
We should have guessed what was happening once people started admitting they loved a bit of Savida.
4. Now everyone and their mam has a range
Carolyn Donnelly, Lennon Courtney, Paul Galvin, Considered by Helen James…
5. And they’re selling €60 planks of wood…
6. Decorative opera glasses…
7. Pre-spiralised veg…
8. And things that cost – gasp – over €100
That’s a €299 leather bag there, if you can believe it.
9. The Stephen’s Green revamp solidified our fears that Dunnes is no longer the store we knew
So many reflective surfaces and stylish grey and copper tones. It’s not right.
10. And some Dunneses have even joined the ranks of Intimidating Shops
You’d be just as afraid stepping into the Dunnes on George’s Street as you would heading upstairs in Brown Thomas. So quiet. So many staff members looking at you.
11. Truly, Dunnes has gone off the rails
12. And it’s not going to stop until it’s the Marks and Spencer of Ireland
God help us all.