Dublin: 11 °C Friday 7 March, 2025

Step aside tornado, it's time to meet your terrifying cousin, FIRENADO

A filmmaker in Australia has captured footage of the rare wind and fire combination.

TAKE A TORNADO, add fire. What do you get? TERROR TOWN!

Footage of the rare ‘firenado’ phenomenon has been caught on camera in the Australian outback.

According to ABC news, which acquired the footage from filmmaker Chris Tangey, the firenado took hold in an area near Alice Springs, where firefighters have been battling bush blazes.

Tangey said it sounded like a jet engine and that he’d never seen anything move so quickly. We don’t know about you, but if we were Tangey, we probably would have been running far far away.

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Firenados are rare, but not completely unheard of. Here are some more caught on film:

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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