Dublin: 14 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024
tomorrow never came

12 people who were trapped in Garth Brooks hell last night

Will nobody think of the Ronan O’Gara documentary?

LAST NIGHT OUR two national broadcasters went head to head with documentaries about……

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….Garth Brooks.

RTÉ went in with all dramatic guns blazing with their documentary entitled ‘Tomorrow Never Came’, while TV3 were a little more restrained, going with ‘Garth: What Went Wrong’.

TV3 had moved their programme forward by one day and one hour (What Went Wrong was originally due to be broadcast tonight at 10pm) in order to compete directly with Tomorrow Never Came. RTÉ had moved a documentary about Ronan O’Gara in order to broadcast their Garth special.

People were not happy. Not happy at all.

They were mocking

They were considering violence against beloved possessions



They were floundering in disbelief


And they were trapped

There were the ones who were embarrassed

The ones who were empathising

The ones who still had questions

And then there were the ones who finally realised it’s all over

frodo Wp-ag Wp-ag

Battle of the Garth Brooks documentaries as TV3 move film forward to beat RTÉ>

6 surprising places that are colder than Ireland today>

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