LAST NIGHT, NANCY was crowned victor in the Great British Bake Off.
It was a controversial decision, but her windmill carried the day in the end. The internet, meanwhile, did its wonderful thing and provided us with…
1. This GIF of Mary Berry’s reaction
2. This frankly perfect Vine celebrating Nancy’s win
3. This beautiful summation of Richard’s life story
4. This
5. These completely real letters to the Daily Mail about the Great British Bake Off’s smut content
Do we need a reminder?
6. An entire nation actually doing its nut (no pun intended) when someone had an accident with a food processor
People were actually weeping.
7. The actual, genuine, NSFW outrage about Nancy’s victory
8. And the haters
9. Not to mention the people losing their collective sh** about spoilers for a baking show
10. This guy so dedicated to GBBO that he got out his laptop on the night bus
11. And this.