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A girl thoroughly confused her ex-boyfriend by texting him Adele lyrics

“Hello from the other side…”

EVERYONE HAS THAT one ex they’d love to have a final word with. This girl is going viral for using Adele lyrics to do just that. 

Adele's new album Source: PA Wire/PA Images

Twitter user Mary Caldarella posted this text exchange she had with her ex-boyfriend, Matt, using lyrics from the singer’s newest single, Hello.

We probably don’t need to tell you he was exceptionally confused.

CSYRk9NVAAA6Tev Source: Twitter/@maryc_021

CSYRk9SUkAA4Azl Source: Twitter/@maryc_021

Last time I asked if we could go on a date when I came to Auburn you told me to go f**k myself

Oh dear. Mary’s screenshots have been retweeted around 12,000 times – some people are saying her actions were a bit heartless, but Mary appears to think they were well justified.

More: A lad chatted to girls on Tinder using only Wayne Rooney tweets… and it didn’t go so well> 

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