Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024
tumblr of the day

Tumblr of the day: Girls Love Superheroes

And they’ve got the costumes to prove it.

GIRLS LOVE SUPERHEROES celebrates the fact that superheroes aren’t only for little boys.  In fact, some of the world’s best superhero fans are little girls.

This tumblr proves it, gathering images of girls “dressed as superheroes, meeting superheroes, reading superhero comics” and more.

Here are just a few selections, get the rest here.

Tumblr of the day: Girls Love Superheroes
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  • Mia

  • Knoxx, whose first word was apparently 'Batman'

  • Huntress and Power Girl

  • The Hulk

  • Nina

We’re pretty sure Riley Maida, the star of this video, would be a big fan of Girls Love Superheroes.


See you at

This is literally the best thing we’ve ever seen, literally>

Tumblr of the Day: Pictures of Hipsters Taking Pictures of Food>