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How Scaldy Are You?

An important quiz.

scaldymain Flickr Flickr

URBAN DICTIONARY DEFINES ‘scaldy‘ as “a selfish person who doesn’t share” or “something of extremely poor quality”. 

For us, being scaldy is not about who you are or where your from. It’s a a state of mind. It’s that particularly level of skank and sick carry on that everyone has achieved at least once in their lives.

So… how scaldy are you?

1. Choose a soft drink
Original Lucozade
3L bottle of Country Spring

3L of Coke
Can of Lilt
2. Choose a scaldy lunch
McDonalds Big Mac Meal with bonus six piece
Chicken Fillet Roll

Meatbal marinara footlong from Subway
3. You've a few days off with no plans. How often do you shower?
Every day, as normal
Every second day

I'll hold out for as long as possible
4. Pick a sauce to get from the deli counter in Spar
Taco sauce

Garlic Mayo
5. Where's the scaldiest place to have a pint?
11am in the pub on a rollover
At the airport at 7.45am

8am outside your tent at a festival
At a Christening
6. The smell of fake tan is...
7. Choose a food to eat in bed

8. Pick a 'mam' dinner
Gammon steaks

Sausage, beans and chips
9. Which of these actions is the scaldiest?
Borrowing a tenner knowing full well you won't be paying it back
Shifting two people in one night

Illegally downloading a brand new film
Skipping the queue in Zaytoon
10. And finally, pick the scaldiest thing:
Bag of cans
Packet of Rizla with the corners torn off

Spicy Rings
Wet Ugg boots
Answer all the questions to see your result!
You scored out of !
You're scaldy as f**k
Wipe that taco sauce off your chin, you animal. (Don't worry though, we're all a bit scaldy).
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You scored out of !
You're fairly scaldy
Listen, we're all a bit scaldy (except Kate Middleton, who has never been scaldy in her life). You're amongst friends.
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Peter Byrne / PA Archive/Press Association Images
You scored out of !
You've only a touch of scald
Kate Middleton is the only person in the world who has never been scaldy, and you're almost on her level. Congrats.
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