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Associated Press via
the snapper

How to... capture a drain-dwelling crocodile

Locals in Cairns found the urban myth of reptiles in the underground sewage system is true.

YOU’VE HEARD THAT urban myth about crocodiles living in city sewage systems, right?

Well, he’s not a big ‘un but this baby croc gave locals in Cairns, Australia a fright when he emerged blinking from a drain yesterday. This Associated Press video shows how to deal with such a situation…

  1. Arm yourself adequately against the croc’s sharp teeth. A household broom and pair of flip flops should do it.
  2. Poke him a bit.
  3. Take video footage on your smartphone.
  4. Poke some more and then when he reacts, throw a towel over him.
  5. Call in the animal welfare officers who can put an elastic band on his snout and remove him to safety.

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