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How to eat like a President: grilled chicken and brown rice

Details of the US President’s menu requirements during his stay at the five star Merrion Hotel have emerged.

Image: http://obamafoodorama.blogspot.com/

EVER WONDERED what a couple with a schedule like the Obamas’ eat to stay on top of their game?

Well, you’re not alone. Entire blogs have been set up to speculating about what the first couple really eat.

They can wonder no more. During their brief visit to the five star Merrion Hotel – which had been fully booked out weeks in advance of Monday’s visit by the US embassy – President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle had a plain, protein-packed meal of chicken and brown rice delivered to their suite, before they set off for Moneygall.

The meal was prepared in the hotel’s kitchen following the instructions of the White House chef – who may used have a recipe like this – and didn’t have to be tasted for security reasons before the President tucked in, sources say.

The President and the US First Lady were warm and friendly to hotel staff, and asked if they’d like their picture taken with the Obamas.

The Irish Times adds that Obama also took the opportunity of their stay to practise his “cúpla focail” on the hotel’s receptionist.

About the author:

Jennifer O'Connell

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