Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024
Daily Mail

If you find this file, we want you to work for us

Here’s something that even the harshest Daily Mail critic must tip their hat to.

THE DAILY MAIL might not be to everyone’s tastes, but here’s something creative that even the stoniest anti-Mail heart will acknowledge.

Most websites – including – have what’s called a robots.txt file, which is read by search engine robots and tells them what content not to include in their search results.

Blogger Malcolm Coles, however, has noticed that in the Daily Mail’s robots.txt file, amidst all of the usual technobabble, lies this piece:

It’s a little akin to Google’s Silicon Valley billboard posing a puzzle to passers-by, who are directed to a submit-your-CV page if they can come up with the right answer.

By the way – if you get this job, do let us know and we’ll send you our bank account details. Ta.

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