Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024
Irish family christmas

8 more of the most Irish Christmas things that have ever happened

God bless us, everyone.

1. Ashbourne Community Centre’s festive display

ash Deirdre O'Sullivan / Mog Kavanagh Deirdre O'Sullivan / Mog Kavanagh / Mog Kavanagh

2. This mam’s present

3. This hoover display

4. Coming home to the local papers

“Dishwasher disaster”.

5. A Simply Delicious Irish Christmas

Still dusted off in so many households every year.


Remember the chocolate Rice Krispie Christmas Tree? Imagine having all that cooking chocolate at your disposal!


6. The bus driver greeting

7. This tree

8. This pass ag confession notice

conf Aoife Bennett Aoife Bennett

Previously: 11 of the most Irish Christmas things that have ever happened>