GOD LOVE US, we can be a predictable bunch sometimes.
We can all pick out a pattern in other people’s use of social media – the party check-ins on a Friday on Facebook to the anniversary dinner pics on Twitter.
So here’s what’ll be on your Instagram feed today.
1. A fry-up
Yep, there’ll be legions of us eating a fry-up today, as the excesses of a three day weekend sweat out the pores. Beans on the side or on the plate? And what filter to use? These are the modern fried breakfast dilemmas.
2. Or a notions brunch instead
Some people have gone too #notions for fried bread, and instead choose to upload their poached eggs and avocado and flaxseed porridge up instead. Say it with us: #notions!
3. A shot of the countryside hillwalk
Just to make everyone still in bed feel bad.
4. The Mammy
A lot of people head back down the country to their family homes for Bank Holliers. Cue an influx of adorable Mam pics.
5. A dodgy pic from the night before
Seemed like a good idea at the time…
6. Their shoes
No matter the day, Bank Holiday or no, Instagram is always bizarrely awash with arty shots of shoes. Bet on it.