Dublin: 14 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

12 people lamenting the arrival of Irish Summer

It’s different to regular summer. You know how.

LOOK OUTSIDE YOUR window there. What time of the year would you say it was, just going by the weather? January, February, maybe April at a push. Certainly not June, right?

15/8/2006. Dublin Weather Turns Wet. Its brolly time once again in Dublin City as the dry spell ends and the rain returns to remind us of what Irish summers are usually like in August. Photo: Eamonn Farrell/Photocall Ireland Eamonn Farrell / Photocall Ireland Eamonn Farrell / Photocall Ireland / Photocall Ireland

This is the June Bank Holiday, but we’re certainly not seeing any sort of June-like weather, with gale force winds and even more rain forecast for tonight.

This isn’t summer as the rest of the world knows it. It’s Irish summer. Now it has a proper name, thanks to 2fm breakfast presenter Keith Walsh:

Junuary. So apt, we might cry.

People are asking the important questions

Are you though? ARE YOU? *bursts into tears*

A few are telling of their dashed hopes

Look at those sad little deckchairs:

Look at this windswept beach:

Some have dared to utter the C word

People are bringing the winter coats out of storage

The heating is on


And everyone is retweeting this in solidarity

Rotten weather has forced Patti Smith’s Dublin gig indoors>

18 of the best views to Instagram in Ireland>

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