WE ALL HAVE OUR cringe date stories. But Jimmy Fallon didn’t even realise he was on a terrible date with Nicole Kidman, one of the world’s most beautiful women. Good god, Jimmy!
Nicole was a guest on Jimmy Fallon’s chat show the other night, and Jimmy found out that they had two very different stories about the afternoon they spent together many years ago.
The way Nicole tells it, she fancied Jimmy and had asked a mutual friend to set them up on a casual date. Jimmy, however, thought the meeting was a weird audition for Nicole’s movie, Bewitched.
According to Nicole, Jimmy didn’t talk to her at all:
And so, after about an hour and a half I thought, “He has no interest, this is so embarrassing.”
Watch as the realisation spreads across his face.
Here’s what Jimmy had to say about the whole affair: