MEET HIGH SCHOOL student Nicholas Gray.
He’s in school in Kentucky, and he hates hates school dances. However, he has come up with a way to improve on his.
… by asking Jennifer Lawrence to be his date. Says Nicholas:
An aspect of school that I hate the most is school dances. I think they’re gross. But one day I was thinking maybe there’s a chance that a girl like you would go with me to a school dance.
Why? He says he’s only seen two of her movies, but of all the movies he’s ever seen, Hunger Games is “the first time I felt my heart beat”.
Nicholas presents a convincing array of evidence in support of his cause:
We’ve got lots in common. We’re both from Kentucky, we both think school is kind of yucky.
However, he admits:
I’m only average looking, I don’t have class, I have a funny smell, and sometimes I’m a jerk.
Nobody’s perfect. So…
As well as a YouTube video, Gray has launched a dedicated Facebook campaign. He’s at 750 likes at the time of writing. Add your voice to the clamour!
Jennifer Lawrence is yet to respond. GO NICHOLAS!