1. They think the sun shines out of your hole
2. And ALL sign off their texts like this
3. Or read their phone like this
4. A car journey with them is usually a haunting experience
5. She leaves you to pick up something while shopping, like it doesn’t even matter
Still a horror memory of every Irish person’s childhood.
6. Or bumps into an old friend while you stand there nodding
7. Memes on Facebook are her favourite thing
8. As are comments on how nice you look in your photos
9. Don’t even bother asking her to not open your post
10. Somehow, she never picks up her phone
11. Calls for dinner usually come before it’s ready
12. While she won’t pick up for you, she expects you to pick up on the first ring
13. If they see you, they give you a chore
14. But come out with some absolute gems when talking about celebrities
15. They’re constantly worried about your general temperature
16. And literally does everything round the house
17. They sometimes get a bit too involved