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14 mascara problems every girl has to endure

The price of perfect eyelashes.

OH MASCARA. Why must you make it so hard to love you?

1. Having to sneeze straight after you put it on

catsneeze Source: Instagram/kikigreeneyez


2. And ending up like this, no matter how many preventative measures you take

When you fuck up on the last step. #mascaraproblems Source: Instagram/catyfaver

3. Absent-mindedly rubbing your eyes and coming away with fistfuls of it

CTJrR86VEAAnt5n Source: Twitter/@ZoeLeighJackson

4. Reading that you should be throwing it out after three months

Missha The Style 4D Mascara 3 Source: BlogSpot

*nervously glances at year-old tube*

5. ‘Waterproof’ mascara. LOL

The first sniff of moisture and it’s flaking off, But when you go to actually remove it? Nah, it’s staying put.

6. Getting taken in by fancy new wands and formulas…

“This one has a brush like a miniature comb, and the formula promises to lift, separate, and volumise my lashes AND ensure my future children get 600 points in the Leaving Cert.”

7. …But ultimately realising that most of them do the same thing

AFTER you’ve spent your precious euros, mind.

8. Mascara face

tumblr_miu2q01GPJ1rv6kjho1_500 Source: Tumblr

Every girl has one.

9. Jerking your hand and ending up with ‘the dot’

Ah it’s grand, I didn’t like the makeup on that particular part of my nose anyway.

10. Spending ages doing your eyeshadow, then managing to smear mascara all over it

Honestly, how dare you.

11. Overdoing it and ending up with about four lashes

B7_m-fWCQAAkdd- Source: Twitter

Four long, thick, voluminous lashes, but still.

12. Putting on your glasses straight after applying

13. Carefully removing every last bit of it, but STILL waking up like this

Thank goodness I didn't rub my eye any early today. I'm over this mascara. #mascarafail #makeupfail Source: Instagram/katyeisawesome

Where does it hide? We could have sworn there was nothing left!

14. But you still wouldn’t think of going without it

Truth #mascaraproblems #panda #word #makeup #makeupartist #makeuplove #beauty #beautyfix #bblogger #beautyblogger #mascara #folk #dubaimakeupartist #dubaimua #mua #dxbmua #lamua #losangeles #instaglam #instalove #instamakeup #instalike #mydubai #followme #fresh #lashes #eyes #nisrinedaou Source: Instagram/nisrinedaoumakeup

It makes your face feel like your face. We’re just going to have to put up with the many downsides.

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