AH, THE MORNING. The source of so many nightmares. Where your alarm is your enemy and everything seems to conspire to make you late.
Sound familiar? Here are some things you can do that might just make those early starts that little bit easier:
1. Lay your clothes out the night before
It might seem like a chore, but it saves you scrambling around in the semi-dark for matching clothes early in the morning. A real time-saver.
2. Even better, get a clothes rail and have all your clothes ready for the week
Still might not guarantee loads of great clothes on said rail, though – but at least you’ll have a plan for the week ahead.
3. For extra-efficiency, label the hangers by day
This is pro-level organisation.
4. Prepare your lunch before going to bed
Any task that you can get off your morning schedule is a time-saving win. Just try not to eat it before you actually go to bed.
If your breakfast is in any way complicated, do that as well. Five minutes in the evening is often easier to have spare than during the morning rush.
5. Have a big glass of water beside the bed
Drink it right when you wake up – it will get you alert and make you more likely to be that little bit more efficient in the morning.
6. Set a timer so you’re dressed and showered by a certain time
You might not be at your fastest in the morning, so some artificial time constraints can sometimes be the perfect spur to not miss that bus.
7. Check the weather forecast
Always be prepared for that random snowstorm or just the regular torrential downpour that always happens when you leave the house in the morning without a proper jacket on. No need to turn back and go inside for a coat if you check that weather app as part of your routine.
8. Brush your teeth in the shower
Roll all your face-washing, tooth-brushing and showering activity into one efficient activity.
9. Put your keys on top of something you’re definitely not going to forget
If you’re the kind of person who spends about five minutes looking for your keys every morning, why not put them on top of something you bring with you every day. Or, designate a little plate beside the door and get in the habit of putting the keys on there right when you come in.
10. If you really need to remember something, leave a note with those keys
Reminder notes are the best for your sleep-frazzled brain.
11. Use technology to help you sleep better
The website Sleepyti.me calculates the correct sleep cycles for your body depending on the time you go to sleep. This way, you can rise every morning safe in the knowledge that, eh, science is right behind you. There’s even an app out there that does this for you. This will improve your mornings no end.