Dublin: 4 °C Saturday 8 February, 2025

11 things you really really coveted as a kid

Tree houses, Barbie jeeps, train tracks…

1. A phone in your bedroom

Source: Etsy

2. Soda Stream with unlimited supply of fizz

Source: olliedann

3. Mr Frosty

Source: Ebay

4. A TV in your bedroom

Source: Shutterstock.com

5. An amazing tree house

Source: Imgur

Source: mollystevens

6. A full collection of Beano/Dandy/Bunty/Mandy and Judy

Source: sgd

Source: Bidorbuy

7. An indoor slide

Source: lorigami

8. A large motorised toy vehicle

Source: sierraf

Source: nick see

9. Braces on your teeth

Source: monica y garza

10. A cast on your arm

Source: Daquella manera

11. A room full of Lego

Source: woodleywonderworks

Source: Imgur

Look: 9 jaw-droppingly impressive LEGO masterpieces>

We don’t care how old you are, you are never too old for…

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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